Twice the Feast

On August 15th, the Catholic Church celebrates the Feast of the Assumption - when Mary was taken up into heaven. For the Ursulines of Prelate it is a great feast day because that's when most of the Sisters made their vows - their commitment to God and the community. This year, it was a special occasion also for Sr. Callista Arnold (left) and Sr. Joanne Drescher (right) who celebrated their 75th anniversary of vows. The day started with Mass and a renewal of vows. Then a delicious lunch was served. After a bit of a rest, the community hosted a come-and-go tea for friends and family to offer their congratulations. St. Angela Merici Residence buzzed with energy. Sisters and guests took the opportunity to relate stories at an open mike. When the jubilarians said their thanks, Sr. Callista pointed out that 100 years (the age of the community in 2019) and 75 years are a lot, and that, as the Sisters age, the associates are taking up the banner and carrying it into local and international endeavors. The day ended with a BBQ at the generalate.