Ursulines of Prelate

In our congregation's early history, "educating for life" meant teaching - educating the young, especially young girls. But as we gained a deeper understanding of St. Angela's charism, "educating for life" became enfleshed in much more than classroom teaching. We still teach, and until June 2007 we continued to offer a well-rounded program in our own boarding school, educating young women toward a wholesome Christian life. But we are also active in adult faith formation, pastoral care, native, parish and prayer ministry.
We do spiritual direction and retreat ministry, tutor immigrants, minister to the marginalized, and serve in companion care, catechetics, campus ministry, counseling, wholistic ministry, virtual education and the fine arts. As times and circumstances change, we open ourselves to serving in new ministries - wherever the opportunity exists to help others grow into their God-given potential and to experience that "abundant" life which Jesus brings us.